The Long Absence

I’m sat here thinking about why I haven’t blogged since March and to be honest there really are a million reasons but as I’m trying to put them into words they just sound like excuses but here goes…

April was spent travelling, in May, school got really busy and then my Grandfather passed away and I was literally on countdown to June 22nd to go back to the UK. Being thousands of miles away when something like that happens is just the worst. I headed home for five amazing weeks, seeing friends and family who helped to pull me out of my funk and recharge my batteries but before I knew it, I was headed back to Bangkok which was the hardest return so far. I landed and went straight back to work and it’s been so hectic ever since. In a nutshell, that’s why I haven’t posted anything in nearly 6 months.

But what I have realised, more than anything, is how much I have missed writing and the lovely online community that I am a part of. So I am going to endeavour to get my blog back on and reconnect with you all. Thanks for being patient.

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Kripi says:

    Welcome back 🙂 !
    Have a great journey ahead. Keep going Keep growing.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Joy says:

    Welcome back, I can’t wait to read your blogposts again and I am very sorry for your grandfather 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Joy. Good to be back xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Amy M says:

    You’ll find your mojo again. I think when it comes to writing we all put too much pressure on ourselves for posts to be perfect, and that seems like a daunting task when you’re staring at a blank page.

    But in future years you’ll want to look back on your thoughts and feelings during these times, so just focus on that and you’ll get through.

    Also, I’m sorry to hear you’ve had it so tough, life can be cruel sometimes but I’m sending you all the virtual love ❤ xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks lovely, means a lot xx


  4. Welcome back!! Looking forward to new content from you and so sorry to hear about your grandfather xx


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